We decided to study the book of Job in International Fellowship- simply because I had a series on my
Ipod about the book.
Today was the first chapter of Job. How Job's responded to suffering, how God was proud of His son. I suppose when I think of Job- I think of my first "grown-up" church services- how I didn't understand a word, but my picture was of a man who had bad things happen and was happily praising anyway. I thought that it was a picture of happiness- when in reality it is a picture of worship. A man who was broken, hurting and instead of asking why, he said "I will choose to BLESS the Lord."
The challenge is how I respond. I am faced with things daily- minor things that I tend to make bigger. Instead of choosing to bless God, I choose to question, to worry, to forget that I am not in control and He is. It is followed by me trying to take control only to become more broken and frustrated than I was originally.
I find I am learning that worship involves my life- my whole life- not just the parts I feel competent in. I may never and probably will never experience the disasters that Job faced- but maybe if I laid down every part of my life- I can worship as a first reaction in difficult times.