So here are my seven quick takes:
1. This week has been CRAZY! Monday night I had dinner with some newfound friends from the Pharmacy school. I got to share a little bit. Please, please keep praying for them. They have many questions and I want to answer as honestly as I can. They will be coming over to my house for dinner this Monday night.
2. Wednesday. My bosses birthday. So in honor of that, I bought a small oven. I LOVE it. I wish I would have invested in one sooner. I made her a cake with cookies on the top and little pieces of melted dove bar inside. Needless to say it was AMAZING. The night before my roommate and I had practice making a cake- she was so excited to use the measuring cups I had found in Macau. I am hoping to give the oven to her when I leave.
3. Thursday night. Oh Thursdays. I love Thursdays. My friend, Cara, was spending time with her friends from the US so my roommate and I hosted Thursday night at our house. It was great! I had a blast playing games, cooking dinner and talking with these incredible ladies who want to learn.
4. Friday. I taught my students a fun song from my childhood- a Mr. Turner song- and it was so much fun to hear them laugh and sing along. Then I got to play mommy to three incredible kids while their parents were out of town. Thankfully, I did not have to take care of them overnight but for the 6 hours I did have them- it was lots of fun hearing their conversations and watching movies and playing legos with them.
5. Sunday. I watched a video with my International fellowship about a man who was born without arms and legs. It was a moving testimony followed by a great conversation and great food!
6. The following Monday. I hosted my first English corner at my apartment. The broccoli was too salty and I started cooking too early- but the apple pie was incredible! We played UNO for a couple hours and the college students all had a lot of fun. I was tired afterwards, but it was worthwhile to develop new friendships with great people. I am having them over again next Monday. Hopefully the dinner will be better :)
7. Tuesday. I am celebrating today but updating my blog, baking a cake and waiting for my roommate so we can make cheesecake and watch Friends. Yay for rest! Tomorrow starts the craziness all over again.
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