I am starting to do these again and this is my first one of the new year!
I should be studying for my New Testament and Problem of Evil exams but instead I am blogging because somehow that seems like more fun.
I seriously love every one of my classes and professors. Whenever something goes wrong I want to ask "WWHTD?" or "WWJED?" (what would Heath Thomas do? or What would Jeremy Evans do?).... I have more what would ____ do? but those are the top two at the moment.
It has snowed a couple of times since I moved back the states and I have found myself wondering why in the world would I ever want to live in a place where in snows? I mean honestly, snow is cold. Cold is depressing. It's pretty when you are inside with wool socks and hot chocolate but then when you go out the next day and your car is stuck- thats when you realize snow is uncool. Give me sunny warm weather any day.
It's that time of year when Lent is happening. This year I have given up Facebook again. I am trying to add new and better things to my life- like eating better and more scripture memory. This past week though I have failed. But I am learning more and more about grace and the fact that it really covers all of my mistakes. I am also trying to branch out a bit more from only being in Wake Forest. I work and watch kids in the greater Raleigh- Durham area so I am trying to find places that I can go frequently to build relationships and live out a godly life.... without killing myself wasting gas money.
For Valentines day, I went to a fondue party. LOVED IT! Letha is a such an amazing person. We have lunch together on Tuesdays and I seriously think that Tuesdays may become my favorite days this semester. She is writing up list in honor of her turning.... ahem 19 this year. you can find it at lethadiane.blogspot.com. I have helped her with her most recent one which turned out pretty stinkin great!
I may be starting to help out with the youth group at the Summit where I go to church. I never really thought of working with youth- I prefer college students- but thats where they need people. I am going to an intro meeting to see what I can do and how to be used.
I love coupons and plan to start using them more frequently. No joke. I recently bought a half gallon of Edy's No Sugar Mint Chocolate ice cream from Harris Teeter. On sale= 2.97. Coupon= 1.00. VIC (Harris Teeters MVP card)= 1.00. 97 cents for a half gallon of ice cream. HECK YEAH!
What is 7 quick takes??
just 7 small things that may have happened in the past week or so. kind of like a blurp about life.
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