Friday, September 24, 2010

Supporting Actress

For those that don't know me, I have a love/hate relationship with Hollywood. I am very critical of many of the movies and television that I watch. While I never really stop watching the ones I am most critical of, I do sit there and question the judegement calls made by characters as well as actors/actresses that portray the characters.

Today though, in my weekly Friday meeting, I was reminded of the part that I am to play in the grand story of life. It is a part that is not center stage or even a main role. It is a supporting role. One that I often times struggle with. I don't always live my life believing that my role is to support the One who bled on a cross forme. I don't believe that living my life so it allows Him to shine will ultimately bring me more satisfaction than if I were to take center stage and rewrite the story.

My role has not yet been well defined. Unlike a predictable movie, I have no idea what the future holds. I want so badly to be part of the story but am unhappy when my part is to wait patiently in a corner letting the True main Charater take the stage and shine brightly.

The thing is that supprting roles are often easier. They don't have to learn as many lines and what they do say reflects on the main character and point of the story.

My part in the story? To glorify God. It is the only thing that matters when it comes to playing my part. So whether it's eating pizza and watching television with my roommates so that we can become closer as sisters in Christ, uplifting my leaders in ministry and celebrating them when they have triumphs, or allowing myself to be open about what hurts and what needs to be broken by God so that I can be changed into more like Christ, my goal as the supporting actress stays the same.

It's all for Him.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31


Stacey Simeone said...

So true and yet so simple! How does this not click with us so often?? Our lives our not our own! Thanks for the reminder, Stephanie!

letha said...

Thanks Stephanie, glad I have been blessed by having been given a role alongside you - letha