Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lessons from the Apple Store

Today I got to hang out with a fantastic 8th grader (almost 9th grader) at the mall. We wandered into the Disney store talking about what we liked, what we didn't like, our families, our favorite superheroes, and our God. One of the places we visited was the Apple store.

I must admit I love Apple products. I don't own many and the ones that I did own... well we won't revisit the heartache. But I do love the products. I love how white and clean they are. I love how much they can do... if you know how to work them correctly. I don't like the price.

As my wonderful friend and I were walking out, I commented about how I would love to take an Apple sticker and put it on my Toshiba (a durable, reliable computer that I love as well) and call it an Apple.

Any 5 year old would laugh at this. Actually- my 14 year old friend laughed. It sounds ridiculous. And would probably look just as ridiculous.

But it started me thinking. How many times do I simply want the label? I don't actually want to pay the price for the best thing or for the right thing. I simply want the recognition for whatever it is. I don't want to put in the time or work in order to get a nice pretty white Apple computer. I want the cheaper version- the sticker. I want the label. The label is easier. It can be peeled off if I don't like it.

The thing about stickers- they fade. Start to lose sticky-ness. Get worn out.

I wonder how many times I do that in life in general. How many times I want to be known as a "Christian" but not really make time for Jesus, fellowship with believers, serve, give, love, go? I sometimes am satisfied with simply wanting to be known as someone moral... the relationship with Christ oftentimes comes second.

I will admit that I struggle with this a lot. Jesus has asked me- commanded me- to leave behind every idol- to seek after Him even if it cost my life and I am satisfied to put sticker on myself? A sticker that may change my behaviors for a few weeks but honestly a sticker that will not last?

The thing is Apple computers are expensive.
My life was expensive.

Apple computers I would have to buy.
My life- all I have to do is commit and follow where He leads.

I may never upgrade my gray trusty Toshiba to the prettiness that is the white Apple macbook.

But Jesus went to the cross so that my sin, my debt, my stain could be wiped clean and made white. He died so that I wouldn't have to cover my shame with a label but that I could live- fully and freely in Him. His grace covers every shame, every sin- it does not fade or lose it's grasp.

That is far better than a sticker.

Psalm 25:10 "All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep his commands."

Friday, July 2, 2010


Today, I had an job interview for a copy editing position. I am not really sure what the difference is between copy editing and proofreading. In fact, I am fairly certain that there is no difference besides the title.

Proofreading is correcting someones mistakes so that the piece becomes better. A newspaper that has not be read, re-read, and read again is probably not going to be well received.

It started me thinking. I have been told and feeling the need to get involved with a small group. Part of a proofreader job is to make things sound better. Part of the small group job is to sharpen one another. Truth spoken in love. Sharing burdens. Encouraging. Making life better.

I can't help but think "I need people in my life to point me to Christ". I need people who are willing to lovingly point out the sin that separates me from God and then come along side me to encourage the change. My life needs to be proofread, because I often times have blinders on. The blinders that cause me to be judgmental towards other people's shortcomings and falls. Blinders that make me forget that all have sinned and I am included in that all. Blinders that do not allow me to see sin in my own life.

Proofreading is important. Important for the high school student who needs a good grade, for the blogger who wants to be read and for the reporter whose job depends on how well his story is put together.

Examining our lives in the light of the Cross and in light of God's word is important as well. I know I can do that alone, but sometimes the load is a little lighter with someone to help along the way. Much the same way that Christian in Pilgrim's Progress needed Faithful and Hopeful, I need people in my life to help me find my faith, remind me of God's faithfulness and encourage me to never lose hope.

I really want this job.
I really need friends to help me in times of need.
I am really thankful for a God who supplies even though I don't always see how.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.