Friday, July 11, 2008

Incredible things

I have to admit I do not know where to begin about the past 2 weeks. So many incredible and not so incredible things have happened.

My family was here for a week and a half- something that was exciting for me and for them. We experienced a lot of interesting things such as snake for dinner, a tour guide who tried to rip us off, and a lost camera that we managed to get back the night before they left.

All in all, I have had a great 2 weeks what with my family being here and situations being taken cared of. So many things have been questioned, confirmed and tabled in my life over the past 2 weeks.

One very big incredible thing that happened was a decision that was made by my former roommate Rita. We have been praying that she would become a believer for many months now and the day she left- she went to another teacher saying she was ready to make the jump. I suppose nothing else matters... the little things that irrated me while I was on vacation pale in comparison to knowing that I may never see Rita again on earth- but celebrating our Father together in heaven makes everything seem a bit brighter.

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