Friday, April 3, 2009

GST 11

I just got the sudden urge to go to bed. I am exhausted and am THRILLED that Monday is a holiday. We have 4 weeks off for Chiense New Year and although that sounds great- I think I would rather those weeks be spread out over time. I am ready to sleep and do nothing on Monday.....even though it will probably be a pretty day and I should do laundry and clean.

Leslie in on 33 of 365. I am on like 11.

1. Trading in a box set of movies given to me by a friend for 3 new movies that I am really excited to experience.

2. Learn how to make biscuits and gravy. From scratch.

3. Oliver Twist was just okay. Who know Dickens was so violent in his stories? Even thinking about A Christmas Carol- it was violent. Still- it went late and I was glad for a good night sleep as well as being able to wake up this morning.

4. Poptarts from my American family here in China. I am going to miss them in August.

5. Boiling down my reason for going back to the US to "God told me too" and "I love Jesus and He loves me so I follow Him" and then explaining that my 3 year old class. Also being able to use the gifts my mom gave me last year for my classroom as an excuse to share and show God's love to that class.

1 comment:

leslie.kidd said...

glad you are enjoying my GST! Keep yours up!!