Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Yesterday was a bad least the afternoon was bad. The rehearsal for our Children's concert happened and it was by far one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Utter chaos does not even come close to what happen. No one knew what was going on- to make matters worst we will not be back in that building until Sunday, the day of the concert. I am trying very hard to believe that everything will turn out ok...but something in the back of my mind wants to hide under the covers until it is all over.

Thankfully- today the rain came. I love rainy days. I have always been a big fan actually- I love the way it brings color and life to things, I love the way the air smells after a good rain fall and I love the coolness it can bring in the middle of a very hot time. But mostly I love rain because it washes things away. To be honest, China is dirty. Lots of dust, lots of trash, just in general dirty. The rain washes things clean and for a short time after, the cleanliness is seen.

I woke up today to my roommate saying that school was closed due to the weather- sometimes if the winds and rain get too bad parents can not bring their children into school. Most of the parents ride scooters or motorbikes- so for safety reasons, they stay home. If the majority of students stay home, we have to close the school. It was actually a blessing in so many ways- giving rest to the students who are tired and trying to remember all their lines, and giving us time to better prepare for Sunday.

So I love rainy days- because I know the next day will more than likely bring sunshine- yesterday is gone and all I can do is learn from the mistakes that's happened and become better for it.

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